Community Conversations with Freedom Agenda
"Join us during our service as Marcos Barrios of Freedom Agenda discusses criminal justice and mental health. May 21, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM, 70-35 112th St, Flushing, NY 11375."FPCFH
"Join us during our service as Marcos Barrios of Freedom Agenda discusses criminal justice and mental health. May 21, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM, 70-35 112th St, Flushing, NY 11375."Amsterdam News
“It’s unbelievable that Governor Hochul is holding the whole budget hostage just to lock up more Black and brown people in these deathtrap jails,” said Lezandre Khadu, advocate and member of Freedom Agenda."Atmos Earth
"There are more promising steps with the feasibility studies regarding the plans for the island once the jail has been closed that look at the wastewater treatment plants and the renewable energy proposals... Freedom Agenda is one of the main organizations doing lots of advocacy and holding the city to account."News 12
"Groups at Thursday's rally include New York Communities for Change, VOCAL-NY, and Freedom Agenda. They stood alongside the former incarcerated persons, including D'Juan Collins, who says he was at Rikers Island for 15 months when he couldn't afford his $30,000 bail."Norwood News
Riley, who represents parts of the north Bronx, and Restler, who represents parts of Brooklyn, were joined at the event by advocates from the Freedom Agenda..."Closing Rikers is a foundational part in addressing the injustices of systemic racism in our criminal justice system...” said Riley.NY Daily News
"As of April 6, there were 1,080 people who had been in Rikers awaiting trial for a year or more.“So far, the mayor has failed to tackle these issues and the City Council is taking direct action here,” said Darren Mack of the Freedom Agenda."City&State
"We are family members of people who died at Rikers. If Rikers had killed white people, the governor would close it, not condemn more people there." - Co-Authors Tamara Carter and Lezandre Khadu are members of Freedom Agenda.NY Daily News
"The pain of losing my son has been unimaginable. But it deepens my pain to hear Mayor Adams talking about creating a “Plan B” to closing Rikers, and pointing to shootings like those that killed my son as the reason.” - Peggy Herrera, advocate and member of Freedom AgendaQueens Daily Eagle
“Six more years of humanitarian catastrophe at Rikers Island is unacceptable,” said Edwin Santana, a community organizer with Freedom Agenda."